The Southwest Border Regional Commission (SBRC) is excited to announce the opening of the FY2025 Economic and Infrastructure Development (EID) Grant Program.
This cycle will fund projects that promote economic development in parts of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas – with a focus on distressed counties – in order to revitalize and transform communities.
The EID Grant Program focuses on:
Applicants may include:
Notice: This is not a guarantee of funds. Awards will be contingent upon the continued annual appropriation of federal funds and administrative support for this program.
• For projects in transitional counties or isolated areas of distress, the federal cost share may not exceed 50%.
• For projects in distressed counties, the federal cost share may not exceed 80%.
• For multi-county or multi-state projects, the federal cost share may be increased to 60-90% for a project or activity.
• See full notice of funding opportunity for cost share requirement.
The SBRC has streamlined the application workflow to save substantial time and reduce applicant administrator burdens. A short online pre-application form has been introduced to screen applicants for minimum requirements and reducing the need to complete lengthy applications.
Invest in Critical Infrastructure
• Expand access to affordable and reliable telecommunications infrastructure, including broadband access.
• Expand basic water and sewer infrastructure.
• Support transportation infrastructure and transit services.
Improve Health and Support Services Access and Outcomes
• Support access to affordable, high-quality healthcare and services that support mental and physical health.
• Provide support to build capacity for navigating and accessing
support services.
• Train, recruit, and retain health professionals in federally
designated Health Professional Shortage Areas.
Strengthen Workforce Capacity
• Promote workforce development programs for that are paired to local, high-demand job opportunities. Expand pathways to occupations that offer family-sustaining wages and career development opportunities.
• Create, expand, or enhance Registered Apprenticeships.
• Increase enrollment and completion of critical training
programs by investing in wrap-around services.
• Projects that implement the SBRC five-year plan.
Foster Entrepreneurial and Business Development Activities
• Support the expansion of access to business capital to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic equity.
• Invest in programs and business opportunities, addressing critical challenges while attracting and retaining talent.
Promote Environmental Conservation, Preservation, and Access
• Assist in community clean-up efforts in economically disadvantaged communities.
• Preserve and expand access to natural resources to increase outdoor recreation and tourism opportunities.
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The Southwest Border Regional Commission (SBRC) is a Federal-State partnership for economic and community development within the states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas.
3655 Research Drive, Genesis Center-C
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001